web3 Fundamentals by AstroDAO

2 min readMar 23, 2022

1 — What’s a blockchain?

A blockchain is a linked list of transactions stored on a network of computers.

Blockchains are:

  1. Decentralized: Transactions are on a network of computers.
  2. Immutable: Transactions cannot be changed once committed.
  3. Open: Transactions can be viewed by anyone.

2 — What’s a smart contract?

Smart contracts lay out the terms of an agreement or deal, but they do it using code instead of working through an intermediary like a bank or lawyer. Smart contracts make it possible to securely automate and decentralize virtually any kind of deal or transaction, no matter how complex. By running on a blockchain like NEAR, they offer security, reliability, and accessibility anywhere in the world.

3 — What’s a DAO?

DAOs are self-organized groups that form around common purposes. Membership, decision making, and funding are coordinated in public on a tamper-proof. Decisions like distributing funds, and adding members happen through an intuitive and transparent voting process. Funds are held in a treasury and are always distributed through a community-defined process. Who votes and how it works can be precisely configured to meet a community’s preferred operating style.

